Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So the Adventure REALLY Begins!

If you haven't seen my facebook status, you have not heard that my car broke down 9 miles outside Billings, MT! White smoke started coming out from the hood. I hope it's not too expensive to fix! AAA will get a piece of my mind tomorrow! First, the said that my account covered the whole tow to an approved AAA garage. Second, instead of saying that the truck towing my car might be able to tow my trailer too for a fee, they make me call Uhaul to do it. So 2 wrecker trucks came to my rescue. One to put my poor car on the flatbead, and one to tow my trailer to the same place.

Now, I'm going to have to reschedule my pre-employment drug screen yet again!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Howe, IN

Are those the right initials for Indiana? I never aced those in Social Studies...

Well, I made it to the Crossroads of America! On both sides of I-90 is.... CORN!!! along with those water thingies that span a mile of field.

The drive was exciting. I'm physically tired, but not tired of driving. I'm excited to get on the road tomorrow morning!

Gotta check on the kitties before One Tree Hill!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'll miss you!

Today is the day before I leave on my big adventure. Tomorrow at 7am I will be heading off to drive 2,100 miles to my new life. I am now finished with visiting those who are closest to me. There are still many who I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to in person. Today is a day of packing and relaxing at home.

I have constant butterflies in my stomach about the coming drive. It's excitement and anxiety in one. I'm all set to go and have everything arranged. The tears have not crept up since I said goodbye to Becky before I left Rochester. I honestly don't know if they will come tomorrow. It's quite different not being an emotional wreck like I used to be 2 years ago. A Master's degree in counseling took care of that.

Well, I bid you all farewell in order to go pick up the Uhaul!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Apartment shopping

So Labor Day has passed, along with it my going away party for my dad's side of the family. I have started the apartment looking and am not having loads of luck. There are a couple of options, but there are circumstances that might interfere with renting them. Most don't take animals (I can't leave my babes!), or they won't be ready until Oct. 1st. I'm a little discouraged...

On a happier note, I saw my family yesterday, which was awesome! I got some wine from a family friend (always good!), and a travel box with snacks and stuff for my trip!